Friday, September 20, 2013

Coursera Functional Programming Principles in Scala Course by Martin Odersky

Hurray!!! I was waiting for this course Functional Programming Principles in Scala Course by Martin Odersky since long time. It started now and it is really helping me to think differently. It is creating a habit inside me - "Can I do this in better way?". After spending 9 hours (sometime 10 hours) in office, I still manage to check Scala every day, ok sorry almost every day.

Just completed the first week's exercises and received 9.56/10. I think this is not a bad score. But again "Can I make this better?". Let's see if I can do that.

First week's (assignment + tutorial) not only educates me about basics of Scala programming Language & Functional Programming, It helped me to understand few basic mathematical stuffs also. I love the way how easily I can implement mathematical equations into Functional programming using Functions.

While browsing internet, I got this website. Math Is Fun. This website is having very good collections of mathematical concepts and most importantly quizzes to implement those concepts. Now my new target is to implement those mathematical concepts using Scala. All my source code will be available @ Github.

It's time to go for bed now. Good Night.


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